Hello! I am interested in Christianity and the calling to love our neighbors, particularly those globally struggling with poverty, and like to write about the intersection of the two. A couple of years ago I wrote a lot about my experience with clinical depression, so there’s lots of that here too. In the summer of 2021 I switched over to Substack and made this more public-facing.

The blog title comes from a poem by my grandmother, Mary Aitken, titled “Falling in Love”

I am falling in love again
so soon so long
in love with this world
with its beauty
its sun
its healing rain
its novelty
its surprises
its shallow depths
its deep firm sand
(that place where a boy
with his bare feet
once trampled
I love you)

This morning I thought of
rain and its place
the need of thirsting plants
the depth of their roots
the depth of my roots;
my children, earth’s trees

All of it again, dear one,
in love again.
maybe this time
it will last forever.

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Faith, Justice, EA, Mental Health, and exactly one post about spiders